BackTracks’ team of independent examiners are specialists in their field and leaders in their profession. Each of them has extensive education, training and experience in conducting independent examinations.
All of our core examiners have completed the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College’s 55 hour “Independent Chiropractic Evaluation” training course, are certified in the American Medical Association’s “Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment”, are members of the Canadian Society of Chiropractic Evaluators, and have been performing independent examinations for more than 15 years.
BackTracks considers it fundamental that all our independent examiners maintain the highest level of professional integrity and credibility in all their dealings and are compliant with the
BackTracks expects each of its independent examiners to:
Have a minimum of five years of current balanced or relevant clinical experience.
Maintain yearly continuing education in the areas of impairment, disability, and evidence based treatment protocols.
Be a member in good standing and hold a current certificate of registration in his or her respective regulatory college.
Maintain current professional liability insurance, and provide unbiased, comprehensive, timely and cost-effective reports which address the issues.
Be compliant with Ontario's Rules for Civil Procedure.
BackTracks independent assessment services:
Independent Medical Examinations
Insurer Examinations
Catastrophic Impairment Examination
Disability Examinations
House Keeping/Home Maintenance Examination
Income Replacement Benefit Examinations
Lost Educational Benefit Examinations
Non-Earner Benefit Examinations
Post-104 Weeks Benefit Examinations
Unemployed Benefit Examination
Minor Injury Guideline
OCF-18 Disputes
Long-Term Disability
Paper Reviews
File Reviews
Rebuttal Reports
Second Opinions